Crossroads Covenant - Lilith

Posted by Community | 2024 Jun 27 11:59 -0400 GMT
The Shroud thins and Demonic power waxes in the realms! Surely, it is time to join the winning side? The rewards will be great, the power even greater, and of course there's nothing quite like power is there? Time grows short, it is time to choose a side and dedicate your very being, your soul, to power! What is your choice?

Now, it's not that I lied per se, I would of course never lie to you, however; I may have slightly exaggerated how well things are going for us at the moment. You of course remember that business with the Tome of Fiends and borrowing the Demonic Court's power to restore it yes? As it happens, in what can truly be called an unforeseeable mishap, the court is rather displeased with us at the moment. I'm sure everything will blow over in the next few centuries don't you worry! Until then though it might be best if we keep The Shroud intact with Her Majesty on the other side yes?

Notice from the Vigilant Order

Demons have been spotted all over the frontiers. After the disaster that was the Tome of Fiends, The Shroud has been getting thinner and thinner and I fear if nothing is done it might truly fall. We still have a chance for a miracle but it requires every available hand. Please lend us your strength, we might not have another chance.

Things are dire out there. The demon's are encroaching and I've heard rumors that the Queen herself has been sighted. Luckily, if we can still get lucky, she can't bring her full might to bear through the Shroud as of yet. And it's our job to make sure that never happens. We can do this, we have no other option.

Phase One Quest Details

Players alignment to the Demonic and Vigilant paths have been reset from previous Crossroads Covenant events and you are now free to pledge yourself to either path and strengthen yourself against the other. Speak with the representative of the Demonic or Vigilant paths at relic towns to choose. In order to qualify for the rewards of a phase, players must complete one of the main path quests within that phase at least once. It is not required to complete quests in a phase in order to take part or obtain the rewards in following phases.

  • Hand in Unloveable Hand - Join the Demonic path
  • One Last Crusade - Join the Vigilant path

This event consists of two main path quests with four sub quests. The sub quests can be completed in any order or combination to complete the overall main path quests. All quests are repeatable. The main quests are offered by the representatives, continue speaking with them to obtain the sub quests.

Main Demonic Path Quests

  • [The Shroud] A Selfserving About-face - Complete 15 event quests - Awards realm points (every time) and both Breach event crates (only on first completion)
  • [The Shroud] A Little Off the Top - Slay 50 enemies where the Shroud thins - Awards realm points
Main Vigilant Order Quests

  • [The Shroud] A Desperate Stemming of the Tide - Complete 15 event quests - Awards realm points (every time) and both Breach event crates (only on first completion)
  • [The Shroud] Clear the Area - Slay 50 enemies around the Shroud areas - Awards realm points

Sub Quests

These quests rotate based on areas where the Shroud between realms is weaker. Only one location will be up at a time. These quests auto complete and re-new upon completion. Speak with the representative of the Demonic or Vigilant paths at relic towns for updates on where the Shroud weakens. Once an objective is up, that area will have a 100% realm point bonus.

  • [The Shroud] Caer Benowyc or Bledmeer Faste or Dun Crauchon - Capture the keep in the area where the event is active and slay 15 enemies - Awards realm points
  • [The Shroud] Deep Cleaning Caer Benowyc or Bledmeer Faste or Dun Crauchon - Gather Dark Crystals around the keep where the event is active - Awards realm and bounty points
  • [The Shroud] Distracting a Princess - Slay demons and enemies (while solo) at the maze in which the event is active to summon Princess Nahemah, then dispose of her - Area credit (all realms) - Awards realm points
  • [The Shroud] The Dark Mother - Slay Lilith's followers on Ellan Vannin to force her out of hiding and defeat her - Area credit (all realms) - Awards realm points

Phase Rewards

  • Completing Phase 1 will reward the previous events cosmetic items including Wings, Cloak, and Mask. Rewards are offered at the start of Phase 2.
  • Completing Phase 2 will reward the Tome of Fiends or Circlet of Rhiannon (depending on path, fully leveled). Stats can be found here. Rewards are offered at the start of Phase 3.
  • Completing Phase 3 will reward the new weapon looks. More details on weapons to follow. Rewards are offered at the event end.

In order to qualify for the rewards of a phase, players must complete one of the main path quests within that phase at least once. It is not required to complete quests in a phase in order to take part or obtain the rewards in following phases. 

Phase 1 of Crossroads Covenants - Lilith will end on July 11th July 15th, 2024 with the start of Phase 2.